Frequently Asked Questions

A solar hybrid air conditioner is a type of air conditioner that combines solar power with traditional electrical power to operate. It utilizes solar panels to generate electricity, which is then used to power the air conditioner. When there is not enough solar energy available, the air conditioner will switch to traditional electrical power to continue running.

The major advantage of solar hybrid air conditioners is that they can significantly reduce energy costs by taking advantage of free energy from the sun. They are also considered more environmentally friendly than traditional air conditioners, as they produce less carbon emissions.

Yes, the solar panels are connected directly to the air conditioner. it is very simple to connect the panels. It does not require any inverter or upgrades to the sub board or electrical system.

Yes, the solar hybrid air conditioner can run off grid power at night and has a high energy efficiency rating. During the mornings and evenings or cloudy days, some power will still be created by the solar panels. The system will always take the solar energy first and then top up with 240v grid power.

The main difference is that the Solar hybrid Air conditioners can run from two different sources of energy, hence the term hybrid. The government rebates that are given to solar systems are applied to the solar panels and NOT to inverters and other solar systems costs. So the solar panels are supplied virtually for free. So once the panels are installed it allows for very low running costs of the solar hybrid air conditioners.

Yes, It is a great way to utilise extra solar because the energy from the solar panels connected is self-consumed by the Air conditioner. It also takes the pressure of the local grid as it reduces congestion plus helps avoid expensive grid upgrades. 

This is the perfect way to add solar energy as you do not require the electricity utility to approve the solar panels installation if the panels are connected directly to the solar hybrid air conditioner.

This great way to operate the system. Having a grid (240v) isolation switch will turn the grid connection off, and put the system into solar only. This mode enables the system to run all day using ‘’’free’’ solar energy. This will pre-condition your home so you can actually turn the air conditioner off or down when you return home. This is called thermal inertia.

Thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb, store and release heat. Thermal lag is the rate at which a material releases stored heat. For most common building materials, the higher the thermal mass, the longer the thermal lag. Operating the solar hybrid air conditioner during the day will keep the home comfortable for longer into the evening.  


Yes, The solar hybrid air conditioners have dedicated solar panels that connect straight to the hybrid air conditioner. The cost of solar panels and the energy produced is very inexpensive, so the more panels you have the better. This is referred to as ‘over panelling’. Wasting some cheap solar energy is a better option than using expensive battery storage or peak grid power. During cloudy days or early mornings and late afternoons, the existing solar combined with the air conditioners dedicated solar will mean the air conditioner can run for many extra hours without importing energy from the grid.

Air conditioning is the biggest cause of peak grid demand and responsible for increasing the carbon intensity of the grids emissions. Whenever there is a heat wave or cold snap, energy prices go up and the emissions intensity increases. Using a solar powered hybrid air conditioners decreases the stress on the grid and also creates good thermal inertia by pre-conditioning the home. This helps reduce peak energy demand.

Yes, The Orata hybrid Air conditioner can run solely from 240v grid power. It is a very energy efficient unit. Solar panels can also be added later at any stage.

Yes,  Any number of panels will reduce the energy consumption during the day. We usually recommend extra solar panels above max power consumption to assist on cloudy days. Other roof structures can also be used, such as carports and work sheds, plus there is an option of ground mounting panels. East, west or south facing roofs can also be used.

Yes. The system can operate as a standard 240v system until the solar panels are added. 

Definitely. People living off grid have usually be excluded from using air conditioning or had a ridiculously large and expensive solar`+ battery system to enable air conditioning. This system will operate from its own solar panels and not drain the battery. It can run of the back up battery or generator as well.

Solar hybrid air conditioners don’t require inverters, chargers and other systems costs. All these costs do not receive government subsidies, as it is only applied to the panels. Panels can be installed for up to 1/5 the cost of normal grid connected panels. Whilst not an apple for apple comparison, it makes financial sense to install solar directly to the air conditioner.

This is a big hurdle for many homes, as they are not at home to use the power. The amount homeowners are getting paid for exporting their excess solar is reducing every year. A solar hybrid air conditioner can use the solar power all day, which will be of great benefit in pre-conditioning the home and creating thermal inertia. It also removes the humidity from the home during the day to help reduce mold and create a healthier indoor air condition.

Yes, the system will still work during the day when the sun is shining. When ever the power is out, the system will work as an off grid system.

Airbnb guests are notorious for leaving the air conditioner running and would be costing a significant amount of money. Large saving can be made by using a solar powered air conditioner and can be promoted as  a eco benefits.

Yes, this is one of the most cost-effective home energy efficiency upgrade possible and is applicable to any green home loan.

Yes, increasing the energy efficiency of a building and reducing running costs will definitely increase its value.

Yes, low incomes homes generally do not use much power so normal solar is not always the best solution. Low income are the most likely to suffer from heat or cold conditions that lead to discomfort and increasingly deaths. For the same price a solar system, a low-income house can have a solar powered hybrid air conditioner.

The amount of money paid for energy is decreasing every year. It is predicted that daytime FIT will be close to zero in the coming years. The solar panels for the hybrid air conditioner are significantly cheaper to install, so the lost opportunity cost of not exporting FIT is reduced.

The sun tax will be introduced in several states with the ability to tax people who export excess energy to the grid. Because the solar hybrid air conditioner utileses all the energy from the panels, the sun tax will not be applied.

The network operator can order residential rooftop solar systems to be switched off remotely as an emergency measure to keep the grid stable. This usually means no solar is usable, but the solar hybrid system will continue to operate

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